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Safeguarding Policy & Practice Guidance


Under section 5 of the Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016 all authorised clergy, bishops, archdeacons, licensed readers and lay workers, churchwardens and PCCs must have ‘due regard’ to safeguarding guidance issued by the House of Bishops (this will include both policy and practice guidance).


Due regard means that the person that is under duty is not free to disregard but is required to follow, unless there are clear, convincing and logical reasons for not doing so. Any clergy found not to have complied with their obligations under the 2016 measure may face disciplinary action against them.


Please click on the below link in order to be taken to the Diocese of Ely’s Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance. This page will give guidance on Policy Statements, Practice Guidance, Joint Practice with the Methodist Church, Ely Diocesan Policies and theological texts.

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Child Protection


Wiggenhall St Mary Magdalene Church are committed to safeguarding children. Those that wish to work with children will have to hold a current DBS (formerly known as CRB). If you require assistance with this, please contact our  Safeguarding Officer, Chris Hale on 01553 810385.


Child abuse.

What is it?

Section 47 of the Children’s Act 1989 refers to a child suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. Suffering from significant harm means that child abuse is happening in the here or now. Likely to suffer significant harm means that it is very likely in the immediate future that a child will come to harm.

Please note that a child is defined in law as a person being aged under 18. 

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Adult Protection & Domestic Abuse



Wiggenhall St Mary Magdalene Church  are committed to protecting Adults at risk.


Adult abuse does not just effect the elderly; adult abuse effects anyone over the age of 18. Adult abuse is often largely unreported. Adult abuse can consist of domestic abuse, slavery, human trafficking, fraud or theft to name bar a few.


Whilst every person has a fundamental right to confidentiality in regards to their private lives, this is not an absolute right if certain criteria are met which denotes information should be shared. Assurances as to the confidentiality of the information should never be made.


If a crime has or is thought likely to be committed, the information should be shared. This is for a lawful purpose  – to prevent and hopefully stop any further crime(s) taking place. Sometimes this is also referred to as safeguarding.


If a person is likely to put themselves or others at risk i.e. children again the information should be shared.

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action line

Emergency Numbers



In Vacancy


Parish Safeguarding Officer:

Mrs Chris Hale




Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor:

Rebecca Boswell

01353 652731


Diocesan Safeguarding Officer:

Sarah King

01353 652735


Police: Dial 101   

Dial 999 in an emergency



Childline  - 0800 1111


NSPCC  -    0808 800 5000


Elder Abuse – 0808 808 8141


Domestic Violence

  - 0808 2000 247


NAPAC – Offers support and advice to adult survivors of childhood abuse - 0808 801 0331


Stop It Now – preventing child sexual abuse – 0808 1000 900


Cruse – bereavement helpline – 0808 808 1677

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Wiggenhall St Mary Magdalene Parish Church

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tea/coffe and a mardle

3rd Wednesday of the month

Starting on the 21st February in the church

Would you like to go somewhere for a cup of tea or coffee, a piece of cake and a chat?

Why not join us on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, in the church?

It will only cost you £.  Bring your knitting, embroidery, drawing pad if you wish.

Open to all ages.  Look forward to seeing you there.

bible study

1st friday of the month

On Friday evenings we have started on a journey to deepen our knowledge of our faith and in particular what the Bible teaches us. Chris, Alan and Stevie have once more arranged some classes for us, this time to explore parts of the Bible as a group.


Our first class was all about Philippians. For those of you that do not know (me being one of them) this book of the Bible is made up of letters from Paul to the people of Phillipi which he writes whilst in captivity.


If you are interested please contact Alan (01553 810796).


Our next meeting is on 5th January, why not come along and join us - it's a very interesting evening.

'How can we become better at thanking God for those in our own lives and the lives of the Church


For this one we talked about how we pray. Quite often we can forget to thank God at all in our prayers and they can become something of a wish list. Chris then told us how she taught her students ACTS when writing and saying prayers:



Thanks giving



‘I am confident that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ?’ How would it change us in the Church if we were to put our trust in this?


Wow – I think we are all guilty of not trusting in God at one time or another. The power of prayer is evident but does not stop us doubting from time to time when things do not go our way.


4th monday of the month

(Magdalen Young People’s Activities & Discussion)

6.30-8.00pm in the church


For young people aged 9+, who enjoy meeting people of a similar age to have meaningful discussions, learn more about Jesus Christ and do some activities to reinforce the theme for the day.  There is always chocolate biscuits and hot chocolate.


If you are interested please contact Chris (01553 810385)

bell ringing

every thursday at 2pm

The Bells are rung thirty minutes before every service. Bell Ringing Practice takes place most Thursdays at 2.00 – 3.00pm in the Church tower. All ringers and those wishing to learn to ring are welcome.


We have six bells which are often referred to as ‘giving a fine peal’.


The Captain of the Tower is Mr Peter Gagen 01553 810509.

Easter Cracked is a one day event held on (or about) Maundy Thursday to help 6-11 year olds understand the true meaning of Easter.  We use the media of various activities, including, singing, games, craft and drama.  During the day we will rehearse a short Celebration Service, which the young people will perform to parents and families at 2pm, after which tea, coffee and hot cross buns will be served


‘SUMMER FUN’ has a different theme each year and runs from the Monday to the Thursday in the 2nd week of August, from 10am to 2pm, and on the final day at 2pm we have a Final Celebration from 2pm to 3pm when the children will present to friends, family and our regular congregation what they have been doing.   After the celebration refreshments will be served. Registration forms will be available from the Village Hall or the Church from the end of May. The cost for each day is £5.00 per child per day and we ask that the young people bring their own packed lunches (drinks and biscuits will be provided).  It doesn't matter if you are not able to attend all 4 days as each are separate events within one theme.

A selection of photographs from Easter cracked 2018

Easter Cracked 2019 date to be arranged.

What do you want to know?

Is the Church open

all the time?


Magdalene Church is open from 8am to 4pm for visitors and/or private prayer, to look around or just to sit.

When are the services?


Every Sunday at 11am.

1st  Sunday - Family Service,

2nd & 4th Sunday

Morning Praise;

3rd SundayFamily Service with

Holy Communion

after every service coffee/tea is

served, and all are welcome

to stay.


Are you Disabled-Friendly?


Yes, as you can see from the photograph  - - no step.

We also have a hearing loop, large print books (or hymn sheets) and gluten free wafers available for Holy Communion.  So please ask if you need these.

Is there a toilet, or a baby changing facility?


Yes we have a toilet suitable for wheelchair users, and a baby changing station.

Are you child friendly?


Yes, children are welcome at all services. We have two ‘child-friendly’ Family Services a month, there are also boxes of toys, colouring books and teddys for  use by children in all our services.

How do I know when to stand

or sit, or what to do or say?


In the Family Service all the instructions are in the service book and the service leader will announce hymn numbers.

In the other services, the service leader will announce page numbers.

If you would like to sit with someone

who knows ‘what to do’ please ask

and we will arrange it.

Where can I sit?


No seats (pews) are specifically reserved for anyone.  But the ones at the front are kept for those leading the services.

Do I have to pay?


There is a collection taken at every service, but no amount is too small to give.

"I moved to the area last year and thought I should experience a Church service as this wonderful building was within walking distance of my house. Bearing in mind I really hadn't attended Church for decades, other than the occasional service at Christmas, I was assuming that one service at Magdalen Church would be enough!  How wrong I was. From the first moment I set foot in the Church, I received a warm welcome and all notions of a stuffy or serious service were banished. 


The Family Service is very special. I do not have children but. for me, I can feel the friendship within the congregation as one big family. A warm welcome from Alan and Chris and their delightful Pomeranian dogs put you at ease straight away. The Family Service has lots of laughs with "performances" bringing Bible Readings to life and the congregation is encouraged to learn about each other through our "homework" (which helps us to appreciate our lives at the same time). 


It could never, ever be described as a "boring Church service". We laugh, we chat, we hear about members of the congregation, we sing badly (other than Alan, whose voice is a treat). We make friends. Plus, to top it off, we have tea and homemade cake afterwards!


I look forward to going. My only struggle now is that I am arguing with my husband who wants me to attend Classic Car Shows on Sundays that clash with Family Service!"                                                                        Jo Moss (Magdalene village)




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